PPL and PRS raise the joint licence fee

December 7, 2023
Terry Lee
Letter to members from CMA Chair Terry Lee

Dear CMA Member,

As you may have seen, PPL & PRS have announced that the price of ‘The Joint Licence’ is going to be increased again. But there is more to it than this.

We want you to know we have had frank discussions with PPL and are pleased to report that they have reduced the increase for their 2024 minimum fees - using the October RPI of 6.1% rather than the September RPI (as stated in the terms of the licence) of 8.9%. PRS have, unfortunately, decided to stick with 8.9%.

I want to be clear - whilst we are disappointed by the decision to raise the costs of the Joint Licence for Community Radio for 2024, we understand Clause 7.4 in the licence. I am grateful to the  Licensing team from PPL for their gesture and empathy towards community radio with regard to their reduction in the adjustment. We calculate this will save the community radio sector in the UK between £15k - £20k in 2024.We know you’re unlikely to be delighted to hear that another bill is going up in 2024.

The CMA is a democratic organisation run by members who feel the impact of these increases. We are still having constructive conversations with PPL about how we can work with them to benefit community radio in the future. We will attempt to work closer with PRS in 2024 with a view to getting more support from them as we move forwards.

We know that every extra cost placed on you is a barrier to the great work you do.

We implore all our stakeholder organisations to act with consideration and empathy before they add to the financial burdens of community radio in the UK. Clearly the CMA have more work to do. With your support, I’m hopeful we can have a positive impact.

In solidarity,

Terry Lee

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