Download the Community DAB Handbook

February 16, 2023
Jason Rosum
It's been a year since the CMA launched The Community DAB Handbook which provides an introduction to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) for community media organisations, community businesses, and social entrepreneurs.

The Handbook was produced in the context of the rollout of small-scale DAB across the UK and the opportunity this new tier of digital broadcasting presents as a valuable community asset and as a platform for community digital sound programming services.

The Handbook explains the background to DAB, the relevance of community ownership models, and the new legal and regulatory framework for small-scale DAB. It provides practical guidance on business modelling, including consortium building, legal structures, technical design, market assessment, and financial planning. It sets out how to prepare a compelling application for a licence to operate a small-scale DAB service and it provides further advice on getting from licence award to launch and operational management thereafter.

The Community Media Association has been delighted to work with Steve Buckley, Lawrie Hallett, and the DCMS to support the rollout of small-scale DAB through the publication of The Community DAB Handbook.

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